Have the internet made it possible for us to stay home more?


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Yes, I haven't bought a book, CD, video game, electronics, and many other non-food item from a regular shop in a few years. The time and money savings are great. But, I still go out to buy food since I rather pick my own food.

I also rarely send letters since E-mail is so convenient and fast.
Indeed, the gas savings are great for people who live very far from stores which sell the stuff they like. I also hate it when things are out of stock or hard to find at stores. This is one of the reasons I stop going to BestBuy, and other stores to buy stuff since there is no guarantee something will be at a store when you shop there.
I have to agree, I can do more stuff on the net then I can in my little town which don't have much.
My City is very North American, so without the internet, I would have to buy a lot of over priced anime if any exists in store. But, I got a feeling without the internet a lot of non-Pokemon Anime like Death Note would not be popular in the US and Canada since the intenet has tons of forums, and sites dedicated to anime.

Streaming and downloading anime has made it possible for me to watch more anime which is for Teens and young adults like Death Note, Full metal Alchemist, Naruto, Gundam Wing and Seed.