Have you been to an anime cosplay?

I think you wrote the wrong title. You can't be AT an anime cosplay. It's not a place. Don't you mean a con/convention?

As far as cosplays goes, I don't think I've seen any in real life, nor been in one. The reason for this is that I kinda avoid these cons, because I just find them to be really silly. A bunch of die hard fans running around in home-made costumes talking about their favorite shows. I have a feeling that most people there will not have the same tastes as me, and I will just get annoyed by how bad a lot of people look. Yeah, there are tons of AMAZING cosplayers out there, and there are tons of pictures of them on the internet... But I'm kind of pessimistic: I don't think I would find anyone like that in any con near me to be honest.

There is an anime con in the city where I live, it's not massive, but they probably get from 200-2000 visitors during the entire event. Which is not a lot of people compared to these massive conventions you find in other parts of the world, but I'm living in quite a small city... So compared to the size of the city, it's actually quite a lot of people.

I've seen some pictures from the local convention, and to be honest... They all seem to be dressing out in pretty bad looking Naruto cosplays, and things like that. I'm personally not a big fan of big shounen series, and I think a lot of people here like those... So... I don't think I would have much fun there.

Yeah, I know... People dress up because it's fun, not so that they can look good in front of "me". But from MY point of view, they look silly. It's good if they have fun, but they still look silly. They probably don't care though, as long as they have fun. I prefer to sit at home, alone, and watch anime instead.
I've only ever been to one convention, but I do plan on going to more. My experience was amazing. The cosplays were incredible! I saw the Masquerade show and I was completely blown away by the time and effort people put into their cosplay and skits/routines. Right after, I started planning my own routine, but sadly I didn't get to go back. :(

I went to AnimeNEXT 2009 and, while I originally planned on going as Misa from Death Note, I'm a huge procrastinator, so that never happened. 8D But I ended up going as a generic looking J-rocker. With 1 day preparation and limited supplies, I really did make it work. I'm disappointed in myself that I didn't take more pictures, but I do wonder if my friend did. I really can't wait for my next con experience. :3 It'll have to be next year since I'm pretty sure AnimeNEXT just happened a week ago or something.
I need to get myself to a anime con, any anime con. I know I would have a blast.
I have gone to a convention. It was pretty awesome. All the costumes were very cool and well-thought out. There were a lot of interesting panels and there was lots of cool merchandise as well. I was kind of shy at the time so I didn't take many pictures, but there were so many good ones out there.

I did cosplay as well as a character named Alice from Pandora Hearts, my favorite manga. It also had a good anime that got me started with it, but it was the depth of the manga's story and characters that made me loved the series more since the manga continues very far past the anime.
I can't say that I have, but I've always wanted to go as Tuxedo mask with my wife as Sailor Moon. Of course, I had this in mind for awhile and then my cousin goes out and does it at Halloween, haha. I can't say he stole my idea because I never told him.

That said, I would love to go and I do know there are a bunch up here in Vancouver, Canada. My friend always goes and dresses up as Mario.
I want to go to one down here in Florida at a local convention center. If all goes well, I should be the rather large, but not overly so, female in the Inspector Zenigata outfit. He's one of my two favorite characters from one of my favorite series. I didn't think I'd look very good in a beard, you see, so my other favorite was out. Besides, I already have a brown fedora and some brown pants and a white collared shirt.
I've actually just went to Anime North a month ago. I was planning to go as kirito from SAO but I found out about it too late and just went with friends not dressed. The amount of kill la kill cosplayers were unreal.
richc3 said:
I can't say that I have, but I've always wanted to go as Tuxedo mask with my wife as Sailor Moon. Of course, I had this in mind for awhile and then my cousin goes out and does it at Halloween, haha. I can't say he stole my idea because I never told him.

That said, I would love to go and I do know there are a bunch up here in Vancouver, Canada. My friend always goes and dresses up as Mario.
You can one-up him and go as Prince Endymion with her as Princess Serenity. :3 Or King Endymion and Neo Queen Serenity. You could also totally throw everyone off and go as Melvin and Molly. :p
I went to gencon in 2013. It was terrific. Even though it's not solely dedicated to anime there were tons of cosplayers. I made it a goal to take pictures with as many as I could. I think I ended up with about 50 different pictures. Most were video game characters but i got a few good ones with some anime characters. If anyone is interested I will post a few.