Have you ever been hit or punched in the face?


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I used to be very violent and aggressive when I was still a kid/teenager as well. I fought with my peers almost every day because we always trying to be king of the pack. I have taken a good number of punches in the face. Also, my time in playing football, I have been elbowed in the face and had the ball shot straight in my face.
I once had a serious fight with a friend when we were kids. We fought to the extent to no one was able to separate us. Each time I remember that, I start laughing.
I have never intentionally been hit or punched in the face but I have accidentally been hit in the face a few times. Not really someone who gets violent too easily though and I prefer to stay out of drama.
My entire childhood sucked. When I was a kid I was 30lbs underweight and spent most of my hiding to avoid getting beaten up. In grade school was in the Ice Cube and 2pac (everyone wanted to be in gangs) era.a group of 8 kids hunted me and one other guy everyday. Ffrom grade 3 to grade 7. Usually there were 4 to 8 together. They caught me maybe twice a week and beat me up. One of the first times they attacked me one of them kicked me in the stomach and I was saying I can't breathe then passed out so often they would laugh and scream "I can't breathe" and kick me in the stomach and beat me up. Sometimes they kicked me in the head when I was unconcious. There was a leader "Zane" who was the worst. I only fought back maybe twice. So yeah... maybe 2000 punches in the face and a handful of kicks. I left the school in grade 7 and never seen any of them again. I looked them up and found a bunch of them on facebook then years later looked them up and I was blocked(apperently they must have thought they were horrible enough that 30 years later I may show up). I joined judo at like 9 and got a blackbelt at 15 but it didn't matter because I was too scared or weak or just afraid to hit people.
In high school it was not as bad for a bit until one of these big guys started to bully me and jumped me in front of like 200 people. I got hit went unconcious and he stomped on my head a bunch of times and punched my corpse for a few minutes. After that there were the odd person every 6 months who would attack me. One time in particular I remember doing homework sitting in the hall against a locker and someone passing by drilled my face with his shoe out of nowhere on a random attack.
anyway... probably a good idea that I don't have a yearbook for that school. Look up some of these nightmares and find out they are an office accountant or something.

Went to prison for a couple of years at 17 years old. Prison gave me a weird no-emotion feeling in there. Range I was in ran underground cage fights. I learned very quick how alarmingly easy it is to punch someone in the face instead of taking it. Celly taught me to use my shoulder, and waist for power, and footwork, and the weave and pop. Worked out all day long. Fighting for fun, cigarettes or the sunshine girl clip in the daily newspaper. They taught me how much it doesn't matter to get pain. Gained a pile of weight. Got out at 24. Got married, lived the suburbs, boring normal life where I never really seen violence come at me. A few times people have gotten fiesty but they calm down real quick if I get pissed.. Once this jealous guy hit me with a metal pipe at work but I didn't do anything.

6 years ago these drunks were throwing bricks at my place and I went out and popped one in the head.

then 3 years ago this drunk had me cornered and I pleaded and negotiated for him to release me. He knew all about me..... He was looking to snitch. Acting tough then getting hit and crying to the cops. I was stuck there for 30 minutes. I got tired of it and hit him and got arrested and the cops refused to take witness statements or anything that would show buddy was not the victim. Just got out or jail like one year ago.
I found out that jail has changed. It used to be full of respect, self control, and tough guys. Now it's full of tweekers, annoying beggers, and rats. It's not dangerous if you are relaxed. It's just fun in there. The food sucks and it's boring but it's easy.
I have never intentionally been hit or punched in the face but I have accidentally been hit in the face a few times. Not really someone who gets violent too easily though and I prefer to stay out of drama.

Staying out trouble and drama is very important for your mental health too.