Have you ever gotten your web browser or computer infected by visiting a website?


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Possibly, when I was still using Windows 95 or 98, but I think it is generally very rare to get infected by a virus these days by just visiting a website unless you download the program, and hit the run button on the download finish Window.

Also, most secure web browsers like Google Chrome and Opera and some antivirus, antispyware, antimalware, and DNS server like Comodo DNS these days automatically block known unsafe websites automatically, so you don't even visit them, or stop unsafe downloads from your web browser.

I mostly use Ubuntu Linux 10.04 LTS and Firefox or Google Chrome when browsing the web, so getting infected via a virus on a website is even more rare since .exe, .bat, .msi and other common Windows program files are not compatible with Linux by default.
Oh yes, and I am embarrassed to admit this, but this was back in 2002, during my dial up days when I didn't know too much about the internet like I did with computers..

I was on dial up and actually believed that the tool bars and "optimizers" and download helpers actually worked and protected me.. In hindsight, knowing what I do now about computers and the net, makes the fact that I was so naive, extremely embarrassing..

Anyway, I learned real quick after my mom ended up with a $900+ phone bill because one of the tool bars had a dialer worm that installed itself when I installed the toolbar to my browser, and ended up connecting to a live sex feed in the Ukraine.

It counted as an international call and as I was mainly browsing and posting on forums and not downloading anything, I didn't see the problem with keeping my computer online all the time, until my mom sent me a copy of the phone bill she got from her phone company.

I was connecting to the net via AOL with her family account to have net access.. this was also before my husband discovered MetConnect which was free dialup for those who live in NYC, Long Island and Westchester. You didn't have to install anything, you just needed to use their access numbers, put them into your dial-up settings in windows, and you needed a working phone line. from her phone company.

Anyway, I told her what happened, since she knows that I am not interested in that type of stuff, and she was able to get the charge removed from her bill. From that point on, I made it a point to learn all I could about the internet, and its threats. To this day, I still don't trust BHO's or download accelerators.
once, not sure what site I went to but I got a anti virus program which I had to pay in order to use other stuff. the irony >_>
Well somehow a rootkit ended up in my computer and I hadn't downloaded anything that day, nothing had shown up in my download window but I had somehoe managed to get it from accident;y clicking an ad in a website, bad times like :/