Have you ever triggered fire alarm by accident?


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When we were trying to replace the batteries... Tried to unscrew the other device... And that triggered the alarm.
I was like how do I stop this noise.... But after the device been reattached, everyone got quite after a while.

So did you guys experience anything similar to that? (_ _)/
There have been a few times that I have triggered the fire alarm by accident. It's something that doesn't happen very often.....just once in a blue moon.

Normally when I set off the fire alarm by accident, it's because I just got out of the shower and the steam from my shower has set it off. The fire alarm is in the hallway, directly across from the bathroom.
I've been in situations where it has, but I've never done anything.
We have a few in our house that can get triggered. Either from cooking on the grill & it comes in via the window or the steam from a shower. We take the battery out until it clears. Trick is to remember to replace said battery. Smoke alarms only work if that battery is in! I know that sounds funny but so many people forget to check their smoke alarms or put that battery back in when it becomes a nuisance.
Occasionally the smoke detectors will go off if the oven burns something, and it scares me! I have PTSD from numerous "Nuisance" alarms, that I jump whenever I hear a random high pitched sound... I have ear protection in for in case they go off!
I don't have any business with triggering fire alarm accidentally. It's never happened with me before.
I have on a few occasions triggered my house fire alarms either when changing the battery or due to where one of the smoke detectors is, it sometimes picks up the slightest of smoke when cooking and that can be annoying.

In terms of public fire alarms, I am always so cautious around those.
I have on a few occasions triggered my house fire alarms either when changing the battery or due to where one of the smoke detectors is, it sometimes picks up the slightest of smoke when cooking and that can be annoying.

In terms of public fire alarms, I am always so cautious around those.
Does your home fire alarm start sprinkling water once it's triggered?
I haven't triggered a fire alarm by an accident except for the day my little sister left the food she's cooking get burnt in the kitchen. The smoke triggered the fire alarm.