Have you ever used microtransactions?


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Simple question.

Personally I have few times, never to proceed better in the game, but more as a way to support the developer. Personally I prefer to pay for a game upfront, but in a F2P game I might pay some microtransactions for support.
Yeah I have, mainly in FIFA. Buying points to be able to get packs to open with players inside them is the main thing I've spent in terms of micro-transactions, they are somewhat pay to win to be honest.
I have spent a little bit on microtransactions. I agree though, I'd rather pay upfront then have to deal with microtransactions.
I have iapped in Clash royale for 5 bucks, and it's really shameful xD, but It doesn't really matter. i only iapped because i was really close to opening a super magical chest and I had no patience.
I highly dislike microtransactions in F2P games that require them, such as most of the games published by Nexon, but if it's a F2P game with an actually decent microtransaction model(Team Fortress 2 comes to mind), I don't mind shelling out a few bucks every now and again.
Nope, never have and never will. All it does is cause developers to put out unfinished games and then make you buy each piece of the game until you are paying more than 100$+ for a 59$ game that you should have gotten all together in the beginning. If they had a better business model then maybe I would do it to support the developer, but as is.. no way.

As for Mobile games, they can all burn in a fire. All they do is clone the same game over and over and smother it in mico transactions to the point it's basically gambling. It's stupid and has in my own personal opinion ruined a big chunk of the gaming genre and will only get worse the more people allow it to happen.
Nope, never have and never will. All it does is cause developers to put out unfinished games and then make you buy each piece of the game until you are paying more than 100$+ for a 59$ game that you should have gotten all together in the beginning. If they had a better business model then maybe I would do it to support the developer, but as is.. no way.

This is why I don't bother with DLC, unless it's something like TW3. I have no desire to pay $5 for horse armour, thank you very much, Bethesda. I'm not even going to get started on EA and their on-disc DLC policy. Having to pay for armour reskins is simply not cool.
Exactly my point. Don't get me wrong, if I was given the right incentive then I wouldn't mind, but 90% of the time you are either buying a 'chest' of some sort that will 'randomly' give you an item you want that can also be a duplicate (looking at you Halo and COD, etc.) in which case you are basically gambling for re-skins, or you are just straight out paying for a reskin of some kind, a boost to make the game easier or paying to avoid a never ending grind that they forcefully put on you to make you feel you have no choice but to purchase the boost. I miss the old days honestly, when you had to work super hard to get your gear in a game.. I can't even count how much time I spent in Halo collecting all the skulls, getting achievements, etc. just so I could rock the awesome armor and be one of the 'few' to obtain it. It was so difficult and yet rewarding. Now you can just shell out 50 bucks and look like every other guy who shelled out 50 bucks. Woo! - Another huge reason for all of this is I think with technology and the youth these days, they lack patience and discipline.
Nope, its a scam and a rip off and I don't have money for it.