Have you installed an OS by yourself?


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Honestly, this is kinda embarrassing to admit but I have never done that. I don't consider VMware stuff so....Anyway, I have never installed any OS by myself more like....I didn't get an opportunity to do it.

What about you guys?
As a Linux user, I install an OS by myself on every single PC I buy.
There are really only a few OS that are difficult to install, which are Windows XP or older, Arch Linux, Gentoo Linux, Debian 3.0 or older.
But other than that, everything is very straight forward from my experience (and macOS is especially simple to install, given you do this on Apple hardware).
Every time I buy a new laptop, I immediately wipe it and install a clean copy of OS on it. It's very easy if you have the right tools.
I install Windows many times because sometimes Windows break, and I need to do a clean install to fix Windows.

I also installed Linux Distribution OS like Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Debian, Mandrake, etc on some of my computers in the past.
I've lost count of how many PC's I've installed a Windows or Linux OS on. Back when I was the web designer/marketing manager of a call center, I kind of doubled as their IT guy for a while. I was mostly useless when it came to networking but everything else I was okay with. And since their last IT guy had left on bad terms, they didn't wanna take risks and asked me to do a fresh install on all the computers there.

Longest and most annoying night ever. Moving from one PC to another, entering stuff (usernames, passwords, license keys, etc) and waiting for all of them to update.
I've lost count of how many PC's I've installed a Windows or Linux OS on. Back when I was the web designer/marketing manager of a call center, I kind of doubled as their IT guy for a while. I was mostly useless when it came to networking but everything else I was okay with. And since their last IT guy had left on bad terms, they didn't wanna take risks and asked me to do a fresh install on all the computers there.

Longest and most annoying night ever. Moving from one PC to another, entering stuff (usernames, passwords, license keys, etc) and waiting for all of them to update.

Same. I also did it on my OJT lol.