Here's the latest about Pokemon X and Y


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For those who want the latest about Pokemon X and Y, you should read this - Pokemon X and Y - New Friends, Gym Leader, Pokemon and Pokemon Battles

I like gym leader Viola. She's sooo adorable,

The new Pokemon that were revealed today look weak as hell. 

What are your thoughts? 
I want to play this game so much. I think the weaker looking ones are only being shown now as pre-evolved forms in lower levels so it doesn't ruin the surprise as you progress through the games. The ones shown in the trailers are probably like the caterpies and pidgeys of x and y.
Can't wait to see how the story will unfold on this one, and i am really curious on what they will pull with the new legendary pokemons.
I haven't yet played a Pokemon game I didn't like so really looking forward to it. The Pokemon do look weak but I agree with the other poster that it is probably just the pre-evolved ones they are showing. And about Viloa, sorry she is already taken. :)
n87 said:
I think the weaker looking ones are only being shown now as pre-evolved forms in lower levels so it doesn't ruin the surprise as you progress through the games. The ones shown in the trailers are probably like the caterpies and pidgeys of x and y.
Ohyesuare said:
I haven't yet played a Pokemon game I didn't like so really looking forward to it. The Pokemon do look weak but I agree with the other poster that it is probably just the pre-evolved ones they are showing. And about Viloa, sorry she is already taken. :)
Nope. Read the list from the article, ;)
Been a while since I've been updated on X & Y, looks promising. I don't own a 3DS, but this will give me a good incentive to buy one. I have to agree about the Pokemon that were revealed in the trailer; they look uninspired. 
I agree, I feel like Viola is cute. As for the pokemon, I think some don't look great and some look good. I'm excited to see what else they've come up with. As for the most recent news that interests me the most is Vivillon. Apparently there's some sort of secret hidden in the pattern on it's wings/body. I'm curious as to what it is. It looks like it's an egg, or something. Some people have theorized that it potentially has that passive that increases the speed that eggs hatch at.
It's really interesting to see Nintendo actually come up with new ideas for Pokemon. I mean come on, after Arceus and whatnot, who is practically the creator of the universe, what other kind of legendaries could they possibly show?

Well they sure showed me.

Pokemon X and Y? Gosh, I wonder how long they'll go on with the series... hopefully their quality will stay the same!