Hey guys,supermajae64 here!


Hello! I'll tell you a little bit about me.I'm a kid who grew up with the nintendo 64.I LOVE super mario,kirby,donkey kong,pokemon,and sonic!My most anticipated game is Kid Icarus uprising!Hope to see you guys online in Mario kart,sonic generations,and kid icarus!
Hey there,welcome to our community!

You seem like a nice newcomer,I hope you'll have a GREAT time here.

You're really gonna like Kid Icarus.It's SUCH a good game.

P.S I've added you!My FC is on the left hand side.

Have a fun time!
Welcome! Good to see some more Mario/Pokemon fans joining!
I added you add me my fc is over there

Hello. If you want to add me here's my fc: 1289-8403-7195 name: Zachary

I have Mario Kart 7 and I was wondering, How good are you on Mario Kart 7? Well if you happen to stumble upon the "communities" section of MK7 here's my community code that I made myself: Bowser brothers: 36-5759-4565-6921

I hope to see you on MK7 sometime on the weekend if your available.

Oh and welcome to the community and hope you have a great time here.
Thanks so much for the warm welcome!
I added everyone here who wanted to be added
LOL wow grew up with the N64.
that was one of the greats. I have always been a really big fan of the virtua boy.... yeah remember that flop.
I loved the wario world for that console though.
Welcome to Nintendo 3DS Community! You seem to pretty much like every game everyone else here likes, so you should fit in perfectly around here!
Welcome to... *Looks at Fillfall's post* I've gotta come up with a new welcome, don't I?

Anyway, welcome! Seems like you're finding things out with no trouble (I checked, 10 posts already) but if you do have any problems, just say so.
Welcome to... *Looks at Fillfall's post* I've gotta come up with a new welcome, don't I?

Anyway, welcome! Seems like you're finding things out with no trouble (I checked, 10 posts already) but if you do have any problems, just say so.

I've got a problem with you!!
Nah just kidding <(0 o)>
Welcome to... *Looks at Fillfall's post* I've gotta come up with a new welcome, don't I?

Anyway, welcome! Seems like you're finding things out with no trouble (I checked, 10 posts already) but if you do have any problems, just say so.
Or I mgitht change my welcoming..
Hello, and welcome to DIE.
.....Nah, i mean N3DSC.
Have a fun time.
good mushroom, i'm your right-hand toad for all your welcoming needs. we have something called an arcade, a shoutbox and succulant friendcodes! all just for $0430-8795-4668 (←my code please add). so i hope you enjoy your free stay at our spectacular community!

that shadow..... oh wait a second. that shadow is just the site loading on something called the nintendo 3DS (new) skin
good mushroom, i'm your right-hand toad for all your welcoming needs. we have something called an arcade, a shoutbox and succulant friendcodes! all just for $0430-8795-4668 (←my code please add). so i hope you enjoy your free stay at our spectacular community!

that shadow..... oh wait a second. that shadow is just the site loading on something called the nintendo 3DS (new) skin

I've added your FC,
now why have you not done the same..... I will haunt you until you do MUAHAHAHAHA!