Hihi! :3


#1 D_S Simp
Full GL Member
Henlo! My name is Kall and I haven’t even seen a forum since like 2012. o3o I’m 31, but I stg most people think I’m like 23 because I’m so chaotic and… obnoxiously cute sometimes I guess?

Aaanyway, I’ve loved gaming ever since I first played my dad’s NES when I was… somewhere between 3 and 5, I think? I had exactly two games at the time and was absolutely entranced by Mike Tyson’s Punchout lol. I think it was my fifth or sixth birthday when I truly fell in love with gaming - my parents had given me a box filled with NES games, including TMNT, Bugs Bunny’s Birthday Blowout, and Super Mario Bros. I guess that’s enough of a backstory. ^^;

Some of my favorite games are Omori, Undertale, Zelda, Final Fantasy (IV and VI hold especially fond memories), Stardew Valley, and honestly… pretty much any game I can get absorbed in, haha. I like to spend my free time perusing YouTube, watching anime, drawing, working on music, and bothering D_S. I even stalked him here (I know you will see this eventually :p).

I don’t know how active I’ll be? Like I said, it’s been like 5ever since I’ve posted on a forum, but we’ll see what happens. ^_^

Nice to meet y’all!
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Nice another FF fan! Welcome to the Forum! :)
Hello and welcome!
Aaah, thanks all! <3 I also realized when I was with DS today that I didn’t mention… I’m his girlfriend, if that’s relevant.
I am a general Tifa fan. I don’t want to say what I was going to say because I have no idea how inappropriate is too inappropriate. XD

Have you played FF7 Rebirth? Are you fine with the story "changes"?

Have you played FF7 Rebirth? Are you fine with the story "changes"?
I haven’t had an opportunity to play Rebirth yet, and I haven’t watched any gameplay or looked into the new story beats. I would like to either eventually play it myself or watch DS play it.
I haven’t had an opportunity to play Rebirth yet, and I haven’t watched any gameplay or looked into the new story beats. I would like to either eventually play it myself or watch DS play it.

D_S has his specific Video Game play schedule on the games that he will be playing/playing in a certain order in accordance to his list but sometimes he could also make some direct changes to it. So maybe you could persuade him to start playing the FF7 Remake game from the first one to the second a little faster lol He is currently focusing on Unicorn Overlord I believe, Unicorn Overlord is a great game too.

I am still waiting for the superior PC version of FF7 Rebirth.

BTW Is this your account?

D_S has his specific Video Game play schedule on the games that he will be playing/playing in a certain order in accordance to his list but sometimes he could also make some direct changes to it. So maybe you could persuade him to start playing the FF7 Remake game from the first one to the second a little faster lol He is currently focusing on Unicorn Overlord I believe, Unicorn Overlord is a great game too.

I am still waiting for the superior PC version of FF7 Rebirth.

BTW Is this your account?


Aaaaa that is me. >///<
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Aaaaa that is me. >///<
Nice Sailor moon chibi pics!

Reno vs Jolteon lol. Reno and Rude are great in The remake games. There's a really funny scene in Rebirth with Rude's Baldy club thing lol
Nice Sailor moon chibi pics!

Reno vs Jolteon lol. Reno and Rude are great in The remake games. There's a really funny scene in Rebirth with Rude's Baldy club thing lol
Thank you! And the Reno vs Jolteon was my half of an art trade with a close friend lol

Ooh, I need to see that. XD

cm2 cm2 stalking my gf there? :p

Welcome to the site xKall3n :grin:
Hehehe, hihi!! Thanks you. <3
D_S wants to visit Japan specifically the hot springs in japan lol, Do you want to visit Japan too xKall3n xKall3n