HitchBOT destroyed in Philadelphia, ending U.S. tour


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Researchers say Canadian-made hitchhiking robot ruined beyond repair.
A hitchhiking robot that captured the hearts of fans worldwide met its demise in the U.S.
The Canadian researchers who created hitchBOT as a social experiment say someone in Philadelphia damaged the robot beyond repair on Saturday, ending its brief American tour.


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This stinks that the robot is damaged beyond repair by vandals. A lot of kids, and adults who like robots are most likely upset by this news. 

Hopefully, the criminal who destroyed the robot gets captured, and pay for the damages, or at least stay a few days in jail for vandalizing other people's property.

This robot made it across Canada, and Europe without being vandalize. I guest, a hitch hiking robot is more likely to be vandalize in America where there seems to be more violence in the news compared to Europe, and Canada.
Someone has to pay for the damages. Didn't the robot have a camera to record where it was going? I wonder if they vandalized it or if they were just under the effects of drugs and mistook the robot for an alien or something...
I saw this on the news last night. Such a pity someone had to go and do something like this, I just can't understand why. It was such a neat idea after all, and it got through so many places without any problems. Some people just have to ruin everything, I guess. :/
alakazam said:
Someone has to pay for the damages. Didn't the robot have a camera to record where it was going? I wonder if they vandalized it or if they were just under the effects of drugs and mistook the robot for an alien or something...
HitchBot have a camera which randomly snaps a photo every 20 minutes according to http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/hitchbot-to-start-u-s-journey-after-travelling-canada-europe-1.3156252

The guy may have been drinking alcohol since the area is close to a bar which serve alcohol according to comments on a blog post about HitchBot being vandalize.