There are some stuff I can deal with myself at home. But there are some stuff I have to go to the doctor for. It depends on what exactly the problem is.
I prefer home tips because there is fewer chances of getting a bad sideaffect from prescribe drugs and mistakes made by the doctor. I also worry about getting a bad sickness from one of the other patients who maybe more sick.
If it’s more serious than say, a cold, where I can just go to the store and buy some off the shelf medication, I’m going to the doctor. Home remedies more often than not, either don’t actually do anything, or just make things worse.
Also being afraid of a doctor sounds like someone who’s either scared themselves from watching too much TLC, or read too many horror stories online. The internet is pretty notorious for making rare occurrences sound like every day occurrences, since multiple people with similar experiences will gather together, giving the illusion of something being more common than it actually is.