Hope for the Mega Man series again?


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I love Megaman and I would love to see him back in action, but I think after all the stuff that went down, no matter how big Megaman is, it's going to now be overshadowed by Mighty No. 9.

To clarify, older Megaman games will still shine through, but any Megaman game after Might No. 9 just might not get the same love since Might No. 9 is made by the same guy that created Megaman. I'm pretty sure he won't let us down. *crosses fingers*
I love Megaman and I would love to see him back in action, but I think after all the stuff that went down, no matter how big Megaman is, it's going to now be overshadowed by Mighty No. 9.

To clarify, older Megaman games will still shine through, but any Megaman game after Might No. 9 just might not get the same love since Might No. 9 is made by the same guy that created Megaman. I'm pretty sure he won't let us down. *crosses fingers*
Inafune actually didn't create Mega Man, he took it over near the end of development and only as a director. The game sold very poorly and CapCom wanted nothing to do with a sequel. He pushed for a sequel a while later and that was when he became the lead designer as well as director. He always says in interviews "Please stop calling me the 'father or grandfather of Mega Man' as I am not, I simply had him handed down", though he does like being called 'The Savior of Mega Man". :3

And as for CapCom saving it, sorry... doubtful. Like DYL said; it will be overshadowed by Mighty No. 9 - that's the perfect wording for it. There is no way they can compete with a Mega Man clone that has all the best features of the X series as well as the ability to gain weapons from regular trash mobs.

I also don't have faith in CC to do any games right anymore. They ruined Street Fighter, Mega Man (with X7, X8, 9, and 10), Marvel vs Capcom 3, and Breath of Fire (with Dragon Quarter), so I don't expect much of them anymore. They may surprise me, though. If they got a hardcore fan to oversee the projects and did a Legends 3, then we'd be in business. At this point in the game, I think a lot of developers would benefit from having fans help in the creation process more than the actual creators.