PlayStation Horizon Zero Dawn Demo


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It was very impressive and colorful.
I love the universe setting, but not much the main character. These Mecha animals are quite fascinating, and bowplay looks slick. Everything fine, except with the main character often yelling and talking to herself. Obnoxious.
It does look far better, and more in-depth than their Killzone games for sure. I am optimistic.

I can understand not getting to hyped for this. Not because of their previous games just in general. Usually when people over hype a game, their expectations end up being higher than what the game delivers. Then a game ends up getting negative reviews for the simple fact that people ending up feeling underwhelmed. So far it looks like an amazing game, so I'm personally excited for it to come out.
Don't get the hate for Guerrilla Games. The Killzone series is pretty solid and I thought Shadow Fall was a good game and a solid launch title. Anyway, I've heard a lot of good things for Horizon. I have full faith it'll be a decent game at the worst. The game looks gorgeous and the gameplay looks fun. I'm interested to see how the story plays out and how strong the RPG mechanics like crafting are.
I will be honest. This was the game that won me over in this E3. I loved everything about the game. The mechanics, the setting, the game play, just Wow!
This is what Xenoblade X should have been. The fact that you can control the mecha's to ride was marvelous. Let's hope the story has the feels and the lore to accompany the awesome setting.
I've been excited for this since they first announced it last year. I'm a huuuuge sucker for post post apocalypse stories, set years after the event that "ended" the world. Not to mention the game play looks fresh and new, and very immersive. I love that you can ride the mech animals! Hopefully things like facial animations will be a little more "polished" when they get to the release though.