Hospital Held Hostage By Hackers


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Network security is very important, its what keeps your data safe and stuff like this from happening.

At some point an ignorant hospital worker clicked on a malicious link which caused malware to download and infect the system of a 434-bed facility. The hackers are demanding $3.6 million to be paid before they release the malware from the system. The FBI, Los Angeles Police Department and cybersecurity experts have been called in to try and clean up the system and find the hackers, but nothing yet and till the system returns to normal everything will be done in old fashion pen and paper.
Hopefully, the Hospital has backups of their data on another server, or at least a printed version of the data.
Hackers probably know all clients address and health history. Glad to not be living what happened to the doctor or whatever that downloaded it? Probably locked up in jail or at home feeling bad.
All companies, big and small, have the risk of this happening due to workers clicking links and downloading attachments from emails that they shouldn't. At this point, you would think companies would spend the time and money to educate all of their staff on these dangers so that they could be more easily avoided. It would surely be a lot cheaper in the long run.