How Big Is Your Room?


Well-Known Member
How big is everyone's room here? Mine is quite large.
Well first my main upstairs bed room in our main home is fairly nice sized. Bigger than all my friends rooms, but it's one of the smaller rooms in our house >_< It fits a queen bed, two bookshelves, 1 dresser, and a nightstand as well as a hope chest with room in the center area that leads to an ajoinning bathroom.

My basement room is smaller than my regular room, but again, a fair sized room with a small door that leads to another small room about the size of a small one roomed bathroom stretched out vertically with a low and a high ceiling.

My room in our golfvilla is the largest room.

Those are the two ends of the room, there is also a couch, a bench and a large space inbetween the bed and the TV.