How come someone seriously not like being able to customise their games?


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I'm sorry, but I can't understand in the slightest how someone can think that being able to say, disable certain items in Mario Kart is a bad idea. Or how a level editor is a bad thing. Or how they can consider the ability to have a custom soundtrack a downside.

Are there seriously gamers out there who are so creatively bankrupt and so downright fanboyish they can't possibly think anyone can want something other than what the 'original developers' thought up? I'm sorry, but if you honestly think games should give you less options, you're just plain wrong.

Does anyone agree with me here?
Could you let us know what sparked this please? I mean, if it is a developer saying not to add it in the case of the emblems from Mario Kart, you and I both answered that one in a previous thread. As to other features, it could be the way the game is built doesn't allow a custom soundtrack or space on the cart or other such things.
I like it when games give you lots of options; they're one of the first things I check for when playing a game. There is such a thing as too many options though. No-one wants that.
I suppose a game could be TOO customizable, but... nah. I don't see any problem with being able to add your own flair to the games you own.

A lot of the PC games I own allow modification, and many openly support it (like Team Fortress 2). It's awesome. The only way I can rationalize customization being a bad thing is if it were implemented poorly, like in a non-user friendly manner. I guess it could get a little overwhelming if there's customization options whizzing around the screen everywhere.
I love customization in games. I used to buy games, even if semi terrible, purely because there was lots of customization.

It can really define a game, and greatly increase it's play-ability and "life span" you could say.
Well, customizing is fun but not everyone wants to spend time on it.
If possible, I don't like to spend too much time either.