So guys and gals, how hard do you want your games to be?
Personally I enjoy difficult games but there is a fine line between what I consider difficult and what I consider too difficult. I want the game to be challenging and I want to be forced to think and use some sort of tactics/strategy to win a fight. But when I end up dying a million times, finding myself grinding the same opponent/map/mission over and over again... that is a bit too much.
Mostly balanced between hard and fun. If it's impossibly hard, it's no fun. If it's hard but achievable with some time, effort, and thought about strategy, that's the kind of game I like. Challenging is good until it starts becoming frustrating instead.
I would like the game to have differents levels of difficulty to be honest. If you're new to the game and you still have to learn all the mechanics you want it maybe to have the game's level to a lower level so that you're not in a rush. While if you're already experienced you may want to fight against the game on a higher level.
If the game is hard but fair (i.e. you CAN progress if you change your tactics/don't play mindlessly/pay attention to details/the game is hard because you didn't think ahead e.t.c.) then I have no problem with it.
If it's broken or if a feature feels "gamey" and its existence serves the sole purpose of making things "difficult" then it's not fun or interesting.
I also don't mind difficulty created by RNG in some games, such as FTL.
I usually prefer a medium difficulty level. If it's too difficult and I die / lose several times in a row, I get frustrated and abandon the game. Sometimes I will chose the easy difficulty level if I want to just unwind and mindlessly play something when I feel stressed out.
I like a higher difficulty level. I don't like it when a game is too easy and don't mind dying a lot, so I just crank the difficulty up and keep playing until I can't go any further. I remember playing Halo 2 on legendary when I was like 10, it took me months to complete the campaign because I refused to lower it.
I'll stick with medium difficulty. If I do feel motivated, I'll end up putting the game at hard difficulty, and probably with a 3rd play-through, I'll go for extreme difficulty. I seek challenges sometimes
I don't think I have any preference as long as it's not overwhelmingly easy or difficult. A balance is always nice. I do particularly like games that scale though - as in you find better stuff throughout the game if you have the difficulty at a higher setting. Whenever I think of a scale like this it brings me back to all the hours I spent playing Diablo II where you could adjust the "party" count up to 8 and you'd wind up winding WAY better loot. Good stuff.
I like my games harrddd, but not unfairly difficult. From Software are the masters of making a challenge that is seemingly impossible to overcome, but with enough hardwork it is actually doable and in the end utterly satisfying.