How do you deal with troublesome staff?

Demon_Skeith said:
If you keep them around, they will only end up trashing your forum. Much like what happened with GF......
Sorry to make you remember such bad memories, Demon_Skeith :D
Thank you for your feedback.
Honestly, they aren't mods anymore in OPF. They were mods in NBF and people are asking me to make them mods in OPF...and I didn't know how else to avoid you ^-^
Martin said:
Sounds like a perfect reason to fire someone. If they don't do the job they were hired to do they don't deserve the title or any benefits associated. Thats how the world works.
But technically they are not 'paid' to do said 'job'... Unless you run a huge community like Neowin, or you're relatively wealthy, I doubt that you could afford to pay your staff members...
That's a really good question. I think that you could see that situation a lot in a lot of businesses or perhaps any type of organization, forums or whatever it is that includes staff members. I think some could be really troublesome and I remember watching TV shows about it, it becomes absolutely ridiculous. I think the most important thing is not to give them space to do that, be encouraged and not afraid to step up and say enough is enough, some people never get it unless they're shocked into life, by being yelled at or confronted.
Kyler said:
That's a really good question. I think that you could see that situation a lot in a lot of businesses or perhaps any type of organization, forums or whatever it is that includes staff members. I think some could be really troublesome and I remember watching TV shows about it, it becomes absolutely ridiculous. I think the most important thing is not to give them space to do that, be encouraged and not afraid to step up and say enough is enough, some people never get it unless they're shocked into life, by being yelled at or confronted.
When I yell at someone (using caps) they will yell right back at me ._.