How do you define success??

In today's world, I say you're a success just surviving on a daily basis.

I say you are a success if you can pay all your bills throughout the month and then start all over again the next month (and so on). That's not an easy feat when you see how little people are getting paid and how much everything cost these days.
Success is extremely difficult to assign a singular definition, as it’s completely different to everyone. To some, success may be surviving the day and waking the next morning. To others, it may mean working a job that they either like or don’t hate. To others still, they may not feel they have attained success until they are sitting on a giant pile of cash in the world’s finest mansion.

To me, success is having found the love of my life and making at least enough money to begin building our future together. Finally starting to get a little bit of that “Ahh, I’ve made it at last” feeling
Knowing that everyone is happy and I didn't fail anyone.