How do you organize all the power and computer cables coming out of your computer?


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I just plug them in and forget about them. As long as no one is tripping over them, I just leave them plug in. Messy cables, don't really bother me.

But, if the cables are inside my computer, I make sure none of them are touching fans, or blocking airflow in the computer.
Yeah, get them all plugged in and out of the way of the computer and footspace, then i forget about them
On my family's desktop PC the cable connectors are color coded, so it's easier to tell what cable goes in what connector. I believe this applies to newer PCs of today.

If you have an older laptop or PC, you'll probably need to memorize the connectors and the cables that fit into those.
I dont organize them, if you trip, you are a fucking idiot because ur doin it rong. I tend to have cords running behind or underneath something else, like a rug. Though recently I use a laptop so no extra cords.