How do you save up for the stuff you want to buy in the future?


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I buy used games which save me hundreds of dollars if I buy a lot compared to buying all games new.

I also buy refurbished tech on expensive items like video cameras. I also fix and maintain most of the stuff I can fix which make saving money easier for stuff.

I usually wait after Christmas and my Birthday to buy stuff since I might get what I want as a present, so I do not have to buy the thing myself.

I don't eat much junk food since it can get expensive if I buy too much to eat. I use the money I save on Junk food to buy video games, electronics, and other stuff.

Putting money in the bank also works since I'm less likely to take it out since I rarely go to the bank to take out lots of money.
It is easy when you have a saving account, but when you have cash on hand it is easy just to spend it on something you want.
I just don't buy stuff! Which is actually way hard, because I LOVE buying stuff.

But what I do is I have two accounts: one checking and one savings. I keep the checking account under a certain amount of money-- basically what I need for the month plus a bit more for "emergencies." Then, if I want to buy some big thing, I have to transfer money from the savings to my checking. It takes a few days for money to go from one to the other, which gives me time to a) really think about whether I want to buy the big thing and B) come to my senses if I don't really need the thing after all. Then I save money!