How do you usually spend your vacation?


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Do you usually make a big plans for spending your vacation when you're off work or do you always prefer to do it on a low key and spend more time with your family and friends? Personally, I always try to visit a new city I haven't been to during any of my vacations and stay at least one week to explore the environment.
If the hubby and I don't have any plans to go anywhere then I usually have a stay-cation. I'll just relax around the house and read one of my many books. Very relaxing.
If the hubby and I don't have any plans to go anywhere then I usually have a stay-cation. I'll just relax around the house and read one of my many books. Very relaxing.

Those who find reading very entertaining are blessed in a unique way. It's like how I'm reading Fire & Blood now by George R. R Martin.

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Staycation in my chair and a controller glued to my hands.