How do your prefer your tests "written, electronic, oral?"


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I like electronic test that I do on the computer since I don't lose points for spelling and grammer since Word has spellcheck.
Written because I've never done a electronic
test really and I hate oral exams...
QUOTE (xxxAERO @ September 27, 2009 10:19 am) Written because I've never done a electronic
test really and I hate oral exams...
I notice the DMV uses electronic test to see if you know what the varies Street signs, and lights mean, etc.

Electronic test are similar to those silly quizes and polls you take online, but your marks are effected by how well you do. What I like about E-tests is that I can bookmark the questions I did not understand and easily go back to the questions without flipping a dozen pages of questions in a booklet to find which questions I did not really get.

I hate oral prentations/exams as well. It feels like everyone is putting me on the spot.
It's just 'cause I talk like a million miles a minute
regularly (like more than people talk when they get
nervous) so when "sowhenigetnervouseverythingturns
outlikei'mtalkingum..likeuh,yeahthis" I mean I'm good
at preforming but I talk to fast in general so yeah. Blah.
I like electronic tests the best. becuase typing is so much easier than writing and faster too!
that's funny when i took the writing test at the dmv in febuary i had to do a multiple choice test with a pencil. nothing electronic.
I think doing a essay test. It is better to do it on a computer since you can easily copy and paste, delete sentences in your essay. Plus, you lose fewer marks for spelling and grammer if you remember to proof read and do spell check. Spell checks rocks compared to using a dictionary.

The down side is you get a zero if your computer crashes and you did not save your essay to your flash drive or online, and your teacher is not very lenient and does not allow rewrites.
Written because you take notes and study the written words, not verbal words.
Electronic isnt that bad but I prefer to write my answers.
I wonder what type of a test are those multiple choice texts where you have to use a pencil to fill in a tiny circle, and the teacher scans the multiple choice test sheet in the computer to let the computer mark the test since it is not all electronic and it requires the student to fill out circles on a tiny test sheet?
QUOTE (froggyboy604 @ October 13, 2009 01:40 pm) I wonder what type of a test are those multiple choice texts where you have to use a pencil to fill in a tiny circle, and the teacher scans the multiple choice test sheet in the computer to let the computer mark the test since it is not all electronic and it requires the student to fill out circles on a tiny test sheet?
Well I just call them scan tron tests. I don't consider them electronic though since you do have to manually fill in the circles. I see them more as written.