how does this look?


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Full GL Member

Im trying to get a desent one... but Im not sure...
its one of the best Ive done, ever...
er... joust to make this clear,
please dont request stuff from me, Im just picking back up in image making, practicing before the skin comes, so Im not applying for the gfx job...
Not bad. Seems a little empty and plain.
Post it when your done if you can. =]
I'm not intending on being persistant or anything but how is it coming?
nah, be persistent(sp?) cuz then I will get it done.
btw, part 2 is done, Im going to make a couple text changes and try to fade sephiroth a bit more, so he doesnt stick out so much... then go from there
E:\renders\render1.jpg lols @ that
ehehe, thanks for the idea

if you like my images, wait a bit, and Ill ask D_S if I can hold 2 titles at once(GFX and admin)
also, if you like my work, gimme reps