I can type 66 words with very little mistakes. I remember I had to take a typing test for a college I was applying to and it was about 60 words per minute. They said I scored higher than like 90% of everyone else.
Online typing tests always raise my anger level to infinity. Why do they ALWAYS make you copy difficult text, with FAR too much freaking punctuation, capital letters and stuff. Why not just a simple "here's some random words" test? Anyway, while doing one of said tests, my typing speed seemed to peak at around 105 wpm, but eventually ended up at 94 wpm. One of the things that always prevents me from actually getting a good score, is the very second character. Holding Shift for the first capital letter is easy. It's making sure I let go of Shift in the 0.05 seconds between the first and second letter. Otherwise, I end up typing words where the first two letters are uppercase, LIke THis.
It's never usually accurate when you type random words, though. I prefer the ones that are just normal sentences. You're far more likely to type common words instead of over complicated, nonsensical, ten-symbol, counter-intuitive distractions. Numbers also trip more than words.
Sometimes, I wonder if my keyboard is doing that to me.
Depends on how I'm feeling anyway, but it's fast enough to get this done in 50secs. what makes me slower that I can't spell other then using spell checker lol
I used to be able to type somewhat quickly, I have a friend who says I type very fast, but to be fair he types very slow. But Ive been having alot of problems with my old laptop here, including the keyboard, and Ive had to remap a few keys, including my s key and space bar. Its caused my right hand to have to move slightly to the right, and that actually makes it alot harder to type, and causes me to make alot of mistakes. Hopefully next spring I can afford a new laptop and get used to a normal keyboard again.
I can type 60+ per minute and I thought it was pretty good, then I researched and found out the world record is around 210 words per minute. Well, I guess I won't even try to attempt to beat that record. At least I can comment on stuff easily with my typing speed. That's good enough.
I can type fast enough, like 60-70 words a minute with 1 or 2 mistakes. The problem with my laptop now, is some keys are broken and needed to be hard pressed to appear.