How good are you at multitasking?


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Not everyone is good at doing a lot of things at the same time. Multitasking is good when you have a lot of deadline to reach too. Are you pretty good at multitasking or do you sulk at it?
Not everyone is good at doing a lot of things at the same time. Multitasking is good when you have a lot of deadline to reach too. Are you pretty good at multitasking or do you sulk at it?
Am good at multitasking but I always make sure that I try as much as possible to give target to each of my job so it don't shock me before the dead line.
I'm not very good at multitasking especially when doing an activity like cooking, and talking on the phone at the same time.
I actually like to multitask. Not too many things going on at once mind you, but a few things. I feel it stops me from being too bored. It actually HELPS me keep my focus because when I'm bored, my mind wanders at the drudgery, knowing I can go to another project keeps me perked up. Now, a major project such as painting, then I keep with that one task at hand.
I can try multitasking but it does make things hard to focus on. When I leave music or something to listen to, I have to watch it some of the time or change the music if I don't like it. However there are times I can model or code and do both, but I have to be really good or focused on the idea that I'm better off knowing sooner what would make a better day than watching videos and wasting some time when I try to accomplish things on a computer.
On a scale of 1 to 10, I'm only 4 in being good at multitasking. I get carried away easily by anything I start doing and forget everything else.
If I'm being honest, no. I have a problem with paying attention to begin with (part of my ADHD). Why would I want to do more than one thing at a time when I have trouble paying attention to the one thing in the first place? Let's take what little attention I'm giving to the one task and divide it among multiple tasks at the same time........

That's a big negative, Ghost Rider.