How important is staying on-topic when making a website.


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I think it is very important to stay on topic, and try not to stray off-topic when making a website for the web since visitors come to a certain website for very specific info most of the time.

I would not want to be on a health or diet website which also write a lot of posts about how delicous candy and junk food is.
but wouldn't candy and junk food be relatated to a health or diet website?

a more off topic would be like talking about tv shows or something on a health or diet website.
QUOTE (Demon_Skeith @ November 02, 2009 11:42 am) but wouldn't candy and junk food be relatated to a health or diet website?

a more off topic would be like talking about tv shows or something on a health or diet website.
I guest you are right. But, I would not trust a health website which has a lot of recipes of chocolate chip cookies.