How ironic Microsoft...


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You said you can make Internet Explorer faster by disabling add ons... and guess which one you say apparently uses too much memory? Your Bing search bar. I guess it's nice to hear when your very own products are considered badly coded by your web browser...
I hate search bars...they just seem like an excuse to advertise. But I can't say I'm surprised that Bing is causing issues...I've never been happy with IE itself in the first place. Both made by Microsoft, both "meh" products.
I use IE.
The newer versions are better; it's the old versions that sucked.

But that's gotta be a bad flaw if that's what's going on. I dunno, I don't care for Bing.
I remember hearing a few people say that there was a plug-in for Firefox that had a memory leak in it, and that Firefox itself also had a memory leak. I don't think this was Firefox 4, but yeah, I guess a lot of people have problems every now and then.

I hate Bing with a passion; it's just... annoying.