How long do smartphones last?


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Goes without saying with each passing year, tech becomes obsolete. I'm just curious as to how long a smartphone can be used before it's completely obsolete and the person has to upgrade to a new phone?
I'm not sure, but if you don't really need to play the latest games on your Smartphones then it can last for many years unless you break it.

There seem to be more people who break the screen on Smartphones compared to flip phones, and regular phones which are harder to crack the screen because the screen is made of plastic, or is covered with a door like a flip phone.
It can last a long time, if it's treated right. Having said that, I can upgrade mine in December and I am planning to, but that's just because I want to move away from Windows to Android.
I honestly think that some phones are built to survive a year to a year and a half's use. My husband got his SGS around this time last year and it is already starting to act funny.

He might have to reflash his ROM because of the issues he's had with his bad battery causing his phone to restart itself, but if that's not the case, then he will have to get another phone.

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