How many friends have you made from social media?


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Full GL Member
Have you made any good friends from using either social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and the rest or even forums too? Are you the kind of person who limits friendship from online platforms because you don't really know who's behind the keyboards?

If you have made any friends from online, how many are they?
Offline friends, none, online friends, more than I can count.
Making friends in real life is very good, at least you get to interact with them physically and read their body language very often.
I have made a couple of friends on social media and the thing is that everything ends there. I wouldn't want them sharing in my space when I don't trust them enough.
I have made a couple of friends on social media and the thing is that everything ends there. I wouldn't want them sharing in my space when I don't trust them enough.
When I was very active on Facebook, I had over 3k friends lol but not close to anyone of them.
I've made so many friends both online and offline. Although, I haven't met so many of my online friends but there are some of them I'm close to, we do video calls once in a while.