How many kids do you get at your door?


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How many trick or treaters do you get at your door? Has the count gone up or down in recent years? Or do you live in a hot spot?

Thankfully I live kinda far out from town so I never do. Which is good because I don't have to deal with kids.
Here in Australia it’s a weird one 50% celebrate it and 50% don’t so I’ve never had to encounter many and none tonight here.
I didn't give out candy last year or the year prior. Back in 2019 I counted less than 36 kids (this is because I remember making 36 individual baggies and had to take some the next day to work to remove temptation of eating them all myself lol).
No idea. I even forgot it was halloween. My doorbell has been disabled due to the transformer of it making a loud humming sound at all times I don't want to listen to, and I'm always sitting with a noise cancelling headset on, so if someone was at the door... well, I wouldn't have noticed. I did an inspection of my house after the "party" had died down tho, and there were no eggs shattered across it or anything, so either it was only good kids that came by, or no kids at all.
The advantage with living in a flat contained within a locked entrance (converted farm house).. I haven't had to deal with any trick or treaters.

To be honest I'm a bit of a scrooge, and in the past at a previous property I used to turn off the lights to dissuade people from knocking on the door.