How many websites do you frequent daily?


Well-Known Member
Full GL Member
I think I have about 10 or so sites that I visit on a regular basis each day. Obviously I visit few dozen sites as well, but only a handful of them are the pages that I come back each day. And this forum is one of them!

How about you guys?
Like... 4 or 5. Here, YouTube, My Nintendo because you can find random coins, DeviantArt when I'm bored... I think that's it. xD There's a whole internet out there and I'm on 2 sites for hours and 2 others when I'm bored.
More than I can count, but if I gave a rough number I would say maybe 40?
About 10-20. This site, Wario Forums, Reddit, ROM, Fusion Gameworks, Mario Fan Games Galaxy, Mario Wiki, GoNintendo, Gamnesia, Hacker News, etc.
Logged in?

DeviantArt, GameFAQs, Mario RPG Universe, Super Mario Wiki. Who knows, this place might be added to that list at some point.

Logged out? Super Mario Boards. Once upon a time I was a very active member there, but apparently my opinions were forced too much so they decided my account had to go. (I still participate in some of their contests by contacting people on their wiki accounts though)