How much did you spend on Back to school supplies?


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Hmmm, I spent $1.25 on a notebook for taking notes. That is about it since I need it to take notes studying at home. I'm not going back to school for the fall term, so I donn't need to spend much. Plus, I usually just use the supplies that I didnot use from last year.

I typically spend about 20 dollars or less on school supplies in past years.
Around 200-300 bucks. Mostly because
I needed around 30 seperate tabs and
5 binders... I have only used one binder
so far and non of the tabs... I didn't
even buy markers this year! I probably
spent way too much money on pens
like 20 dollars since I like a certain brand.
But all my friends ended up paying about
that amount even though! I dunno, our
school is expensive?
If you count my textbooks, I spent about $400 just on my stuff, if you don't count my textbooks, I spend about $50 (most of it on printer ink).

For my son, we spent about $30, but he's only in 2nd grade and he's using his backpack from last year.