How much is gaming involved in your life?


Gaming Latest Admin and Gaming Reinvented Owner
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Basically, how obsessed with video games are you? Is it just a minor thing, like a distraction for when you're bored? Are someone who only plays games and goes on the internet most of the time? Are you really, really obsessed to the point of overly fan like activities (aka maybe you got a tattoo of a gaming character, or you're involved in cosplay, or you're an otakukin... hopefully not that far)?

Do you have video game related content as your screensaver/desktop background/posters/keyrings/the designs on clothing/anything else?

How much of a gamer are you?
Well, I've been currently playing World of Warcraft/Minecraft/CoD Modern Warfare 2, and somewhat avoiding the internet in it's entirety. My wallpaper, actually my whole display is windows 7 basic so that i have more access to my cpu to play the games I have. I think the last wallpaper I had was related to Duke Nukem Forever. I want to get a tattoo, probably this one:
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It's my number one favorite thing in life. I don't need real life friends to have fun with life because of this. I like being by myself anyway. I think it's better that way.
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I'd say I'm obsessed, but not very. I mean, I know a fair amount of stuff from the Mario universe that most others wouldn't know, like the names of those weird enemies, etc. I also got a few shirts with Mazza on them, heh.

I also bought a Shy Guy figurine and have not opened it from it's packaging. Because I love Shy Guys. I know somebody who spends their lunch breaks in this computer place playing online games though. It's pretty ridiculous, considering when they get on their lunch break, they've only just come out of a class that consisted entirely of using computers.
I use to go to the computer room during lunch to play games in High School and then I stopped because they didn't let me anymore. I use to play my Gameboy SP/DS in the lunch room.
I use to go to the computer room during lunch to play games in High School and then I stopped because they didn't let me anymore. I use to play my Gameboy SP/DS in the lunch room.
I hope I didn't sound like I thought people who played the computers during lunch or whatever were idiots. It's just said friend once said elsewhere to these other people that he wasn't a huge computer junkie and always tried to avoid computers if given then chance, yet there he is, contradicting everything, heh.

I like to play my DS if I'm bored and out and about every now and then as well.
Me, I've played games a significant amount of my life, but have slowed down. I have a huge knowledge of lots of games and have beaten many, you could say I WAS obsessed. Nowadays I play my DS more than anything, soon to be my 3DS. Though for me, I don't let it get in the way of me and my friends and family. Luckily for me...every friend I've ever had was into games.My best friends now still enjoy pokemon, and no...We arent' people that were pushed around and bullied and stuff...we're just....average people...I've never really had a bullying issue. I just like to be myself like Luis said, I'm not afraid to admit I'm a gamer. If someone doesn't like me because of that... then too bad. I'll live.
I'd say I'm pretty obsessed, not like in a "I must play vidja gaems 'erry day or my soul will die" but you know. I play a lot of games that most people don't know about, like Mother 3 and Psychonauts. You could say I've devoted a portion of my life to them but I'm pretty sure I would fall into the surf the internet and play video games category. I have a LOT of video game related things. I've got a K.K. Slider plush, a NES controller shaped wallet, Bioshock 1's OST (vinyl), and a crap-load of Earthbound related clothes.

My current wallpaper;
[attachment=70:Pokemon Totadile.png]
It's my number 3 thing. The other being Oreo's (because I love them and they help me live) and the internet where 3/4 of my friends actually are. Though if I have a really good game (like recently Star Fox Assault) it goes before anything else.