how much to raise a kid?


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It's no secret that raising children can be expensive, but how about nearly a quarter of a million dollars expensive?

A government report released Tuesday says a middle-income family with a child born last year will spend about $221,000 raising that child through age 17.

The report by the USDA's Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion identified housing as the largest single expense, followed by food and child care/education costs. The $221,000 in expenses rises to about $292,000 when adjusted for inflation.

USDA economist Mark Lino, who co-authored the report with Andrea Carlson, often hears people say children cost a lot when the annual findings are issued.

"I tell them children also have many benefits, so you have to keep that in mind," he said.

Families with more income spend more money on child-related costs, the report said. A two-parent family that earns less than $57,000 annually will spend about $160,000 on a child from birth through high school. Those with an income between $57,000 and $99,000 spend about $221,000 and those with higher incomes are expected to spend roughly $367,000 through age 17.

Most single-parent households in the U.S. make less than $57,000 and are expected to spend about 7 percent less on child-rearing costs compared to two-parent households in that same income group, according to the report.

Costs of raising a child are highest in the urban northeast and lowest in the urban south and rural areas.

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this was a interesting article to read, but I thought the costs be much higher then that.
With the materialistic world we live in, a lot of wealthy parents spend a lot on their kids.

But, I think the number depends on how independant your kids are since Kids can work at the age of 15 in Canada and the States, so if you raised your kids to be independant and want a job and can keep one a kid can be less expensive, and can help pay the bills.

Plus, with government help (welfare, subsidies, financial adid) it can cost even less.
The only way you can get governement help is if you make a very low amount of money. But then the taxpayer money is still paying the cost of raising a child.

Even if you raised a child to be independant and financially responsible, it would still cost a lot to raise a child.

I just registered my son for 2nd grade and they charge a fee for renting the text books now. School lunches cost $2 per day. Not to mention school supplies every year and all the clothes that children go through. Just on the necessitites alone, you spend a LOT of money. Let's see, then you also have sport teams and extracurricular activities. Ohh and let's not forget about the tooth fairy and the easter bunny, and santa, and any other holiday related to getting stuff. Even if you don't go overboard, you still spend a good bit of money in 17 years.
Some very good points. you have there.

I remember seeing an episode on Dr. Phil about a family who spends less then $44,000 a year on raising their family of 5 kids, but only make $ 33,000 a year.

"They currently live in a 3,500 square-foot house, buy designer clothes for their kids and go on vacations, without going into debt or spending more than $44,000 a year. "


The family website
I don't quite see how a family that makes $33,000 a year can spend $44,000 a year and no go in debt. Those number just don't add up to a positive amount. I haven't looked at the links though yet, so maybe they'll explain it.

ETA: They didn't really explain how this particular family isn't in debt when they are spending more than they are making, so I'm kind of curious about it. The money saving tips are great and all, but if you're spending more than you make, somewhere you are going to be in the red.
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