How much was your first paycheck?


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First job is always a technical thing and it comes with a lot of questions whether the work is good enough for you physically, mentally and emotionally as well as if it's paying you enough for what you put into it. How much was your first paycheck? Looking back now, do you think that it's worth it?
I earned as little as $40 on my first job as a home service operator. It was not easy, but I had to keep doing it at that moment to become better.
Might've been $8.90 an hour but I don't remember. Now I make $14.50... Bad but not the worst.
I actually liked my first job. It's where I met my husband. The only downside was the boss wasn't a very nice person. Good news was you very rarely saw him though. I don't remember what my first paycheck's been a while.
I actually liked my first job. It's where I met my husband. The only downside was the boss wasn't a very nice person. Good news was you very rarely saw him though. I don't remember what my first paycheck's been a while.
You have a very good memories that's never going to leave you soon because of meeting the love of your life there. Some bosses can be a pain in the butt.
It was $130 per week at the time. I was working in a store where the owner paid me $13 per hour and I worked 10 hours every day.
My first paycheck was when I was 10 years old which was almost 40 years ago. And it was for $25 to help my grandpa. I can not thank him enough for teaching me responsibility as a kid.