How often are you online each day?


Gaming Latest Admin and Gaming Reinvented Owner
Full GL Member
Are you one of these people who is pretty much never away from the internet? Are you rarely on it at all, for whatever reason? Or somewhere in between.

I'm obviously in group 1, because I have to tend to not only two websites, but also a day job that involves... making websites. So I maybe get about 8 hours offline a day, and that's for sleeping.
I'm only offline when I have to be. Mainly during work or when I'm at my friends' house. If neither, then I'm all from when I wake up to when I go to bed. Even if I'm not active, I'm still on. GR and YouTube are up on my computer 24/7.
I often visit websites a lot but these days, as I don't have much time, my online time spent is probably around 2 hours a day.

I don't think it applies on the weekends though :P
I'm 8+ hours online a day. Mainly playing video games, watching films, listening to music and browsing forums.