How often do you go to the library?


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Not very often theses days, but I still go to the Library when I need to borrow a book to learn how to do something.

I used to go to the library everyday when I was in school to finish my homework, go on the internet, watch DVDs and movies on their TVs for visitors, borrow a book to help me with doing my homework, or just to borrow a book to read.
Not since January of 2000 when I was in high school. The library around here is run down, I'm sure that the PCs there were once use by Cro-Magnon man and are almost always not working and don't even get me started on the organization of their books or lack thereof.

I have 3 working PC's that are up to date and access to a world of information. Unless it is for quick access to wi-fi or looking at books that I find interesting, to purchase online at a later date, nowadays, there really isn't much that I'd need to go to the library for..
I go to the library a lot when I was in school since lunch hour was so boring after I finish eating, so I just go use their computers to go on the internet and visit my favorite websites and forums.
I can't remember the last time I was in a public library.
Reading all these replies sort of makes me wonder if public libraries are still necessary or if you need so many libraries in some cities.

Libraries are a good place to be if your home internet or computer is broken, or if you want to read newspapers for free at the library.
A couple times each year. Mainly for referee meetings.
Not at all, lately. I don't live close to any libraries (closer than an hour's bus ride or two hours biking, anyway) and I have plenty of books/media/etc here, so I'm all set.

I did use libraries a lot when I was in school, though, especially for research papers and really new books that I couldn't afford to buy. Plus the school's library had access to academic searches/journals/other things that I couldn't afford going solo, so that was nice.
i think it's been about an year since i last time visited the library. they're pretty useless places as almost every kind of information can be obtained from the internet lol :teehee:
i think it's been about an year since i last time visited the library. they're pretty useless places as almost every kind of information can be obtained from the internet lol :teehee:

Aw. :( That may be true, but lots of people still don't have internet access at home, or they can't afford to buy books/movies/CDs, or-- in the case of academic libraries-- they can't afford to buy or access the info they need for assignments. And so they need libraries! Libraries are still useful. :(
I never go to the library! I hate reading, I would rather watch tv, play sports, eat, etc. I could think of a thousand things I would rather do than go to the stinking library haha.
I never go to the library! I hate reading, I would rather watch tv, play sports, eat, etc. I could think of a thousand things I would rather do than go to the stinking library haha.

That's really making me sad, actually! :confused: Why do you hate reading so much? Have you ever read a book you enjoyed?
The Library is not just for books.

My City's biggest library have DVD, Software, Magazines, comics, CDs, VHS, Cassettes, and other media which people can borrow for "free" rather then going to video rental places to pay to use them.

However, there is usually a "long" waiting list for newer DVDs which the library bought.

Plus, you can also use their free Wireless internet if you own a laptop, and copying machines to photocopy pages from books.