How often do you go to the second page of Google search results?


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Not too often, but if the results on the first page are not any good. I go to the second page to look for better results.
not very often, usually the second page is all spam and possibly porn.
I think it depends on what you search for. I read these days Google is ranking Amazon, eBay, AOL, Foxnews, YouTube and other big sites higher then small sites, so many smaller sites get pushed to the second page.
Google images now auto-opens the next page in most newer web browsers like Google chrome, so yes it does auto expands which save people time, and make more people go to the second page.

I wonder if search results would be like Google images where it auto expands/open to the next page. This could mean more people on the second page might get traffic since people will automatically see their link if the person scrolls down the page.
Same for me, I used to go on the second page of Google for Homework, but I used to just copy stuff from an encylopedia or dictionary since the teacher gets mad if you use Wikipedia, and some no name website.