How Often Do You Read?


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When I ask how often you read I don't mean articles and blog posts, I mean reading in the real sense, for instance picking up a book to read. I have not read books in ages. These days I mostly read journals and articles/blog posts. However, in my younger days, I used to read every day and I used to complete one book in less than a week.
I read a book in 2 months. Reading books is also a way to relax my head after a long day at work.
I read pretty much every day. It's rare that I'm not reading. I have to seriously be sick to not have a book in my hands. I'm normally reading before bed.
Every day with emails and text from video games.
All the time.
I am kinda obsessed with reading and I read novels, books.... You name it. I can't imagine my life without reading .. Like at all
I enjoy reading novels as well. I learnt a lot of vocabularies just by reading novels.
Bookish knowledge is kinda cool. I have read thousands of books... Probably even more than that as I have been reading since 6 and now I am 29 xD
I used to read more when I was younger. Not novels but just general Self-Help & Health books. I do read articles online more than I used to. I love learning. I can’t really track how often I read. I do know it is on a daily basis.
I barely read books these days, unfortunately. I think being able to read on my mobile has ruined it for me