How often do you upgrade your knowledge?


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A man that refuses to learn may end up being left behind. Do you thrive to upgrade your knowledge about things and how often do you do it?
I'm always learning, but sometimes it needs reinforcement when I forget things. I keep tabs on things I really want to master though.
I'm always learning & growing. People can get stuck in a rut if they become bored. & to help with that boredom, try to learn something new. It helps keep your mind sharp which can help as we get older.
I'm always learning & growing. People can get stuck in a rut if they become bored. & to help with that boredom, try to learn something new. It helps keep your mind sharp which can help as we get older.
As long as you're still living, you're charged to learn. It's only dead people that doesn't need to learn anything.
Don't we learn everyday? Everyday you wake up and go through the day, you're constantly learning one thing or another.