How often do you use Windows File Search program?


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Rarely since I use play lists I made for Foobar2000 or other Media Players when I want to open certain songs or videos.

Plus, everything which I access on a frequent basis like my Resume, shortcuts to frequently used programs, or pictures or video I'm editing. is located on my Desktop. All my bookmarks are also organized in submenus, so it is simple to find bookmarks to websites on my browsers. I put bookmarks I visit on a daily basis on the top of my bookmark menu.

I try to use good file management skills to categorize my files into folders with good names like a file cabinet which is in alphabetical or chronological order.

When I search for stuff, I use Everything by
I once used it to help find a program or file to solve in issue with another program. It very useful if you have so many documents, music and videos on your hard drive.
I find using the recently opened menu item on Microsoft Word, Media players, and Paint programs usually faster then MS search.

I rarely open files which are a few months old since I handed it in to the teacher in school, or I already sent my resume to an potential employer, and if they want to or are thinking of hiring you, they usually contact you in a few days or next week.