How Old Do You Think This Lady Is?


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Full GL Member

Guesses please.
She has to be somewhere between 55 and 75. If I had to choose a number, I'd say she is 70. She is pretty, but her eyes, smile, hair and neckline make her look much older, like she is in her very early 70's, albeit very well preserved. She has some laugh lines, bags under her eyes, her hair hasn't much luster to it as compared to someone about 15-20 years younger and at the top of her head, her hair looks as though it has a wiry texture to it, which is common with women older than 60.

Even though her hair is colored and you can't see the gray, you also don't see as much luster, therefore making the color look flat, which is probably due to the change in texture. (Older hair is hard to color for that reason..) She has a few wrinkles, and her skin has lost some of it's elasticity which also happens when you age, but she doesn't have a full blown turkey neck. Her lips are pretty thin, her teeth are slightly yellow and it looks as though her gums have receded a bit, which makes her look a bit long in the tooth when she smiles.which also happens when you age.. This is why I can't guess that she is younger than 55.

Still, she looks a HELL of a lot better than many of those who choose to kid themselves, by having work done, that's for sure. She looks like she takes very good care of herself, and is a testament to the fact that aging gracefully beats out plastic surgery any day.