How Quiet is the Joby Electric Aircraft during Hover?


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How quiet is the all-electric Joby Aviation aviation aircraft in hover? Here’s our founder JoeBen Bevirt with a calibrated sound level meter and an explanation!

“Over here behind me is our aircraft in hover. At 55 dB, this is more than 1000 times quieter than a helicopter taking off at 90 dB.
As you can see and hear, it is not just quiet quantitatively, but also qualitatively, with noise that blends into the background.
It is not the low frequency ‘wop wop’ of a helicopter which travels for miles and penetrates buildings, nor is it the high frequency whine of a drone.
Our goal was to mimic the character of natural sounds like the wind or the ocean.”

Watch the film to catch JoeBen’s full description and to hear it for yourself!

Joby's Electric Aircraft sounds very quiet in this video. I feel it could be a good aircraft for places with a lot of people, so it won't damage people's hearing from loud engine noise like on a regular airplane and helicopter.

Joby aircraft looks like a faster alternative to riding in a glider, hot air balloon or blimp.