Yahoo Answers,, and Google Answers are pretty reliable as long as the person which is answering your question is not a troll, or spammer. I find that I can find the right answers on Answer sites where any member can answer your question faster then using Search engines since many search engines are starting to bring back poor results, or spam since people are gaming search engines to sell products and services instead of providing useful information, so sometimes the top results are usually spam sites, but it is harder to game/trick answer sites since you get banned in a few days, and all your posts are deleted.
True, but you can say the same for forums which are also crowd source since anyone who is a member of a forum can post a reply or answer.
I gotten some pretty good answers from Yahoo Answers about computers, homework, web design, and other technical topics.
But, I think asking question on certain categories have more trolls like asking questions about relationship advice, sex, politics, and celebrity gossip tend to get more trolls then computer hardware, software, auto, and other technical topics.