How well do you know your neighbors?


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Not very well since I just see them whenever they leave the house and drive off in their cars. I know one of my neighbours play the guitar, and do house work outside sometimes.
Both of my neighbors kids go to my school. I share classes with one of them, so I know them pretty well. As far as the whole family goes, I don't know them much. Just the kids XD
I used to know my neighbors kids, but after we both went to high school. We stop hanging out because I hung out with the video games computer kids, and he hung out with the medium-cool asian kids category/Cliques.

Sad, how as people grow up the less we stay in touch because of categories and interests.
Well, at one point, I had known them since I was a little girl, but with one of them having died back in 2002, and a few of the others having moved when I moved to Queens with my mother and brother. The only ones I know are the person in the first apartment, who moved in when the previous neighbors moved to Florida, and the others who moved in about 2 years before I moved to queens.

Otherwise, the other two, I have never met before as they are new because they moved in while I was in Harlem with my fiancé. Although, I do hate the neighbors who share a wall with me. But, they live in the building connected to mine. Since I don't share a wall with the neighbors who live on my floor.