How well will each of the current home consoles end up selling?


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We know that the Playstation 4 seems to be doing best overall, with the Xbox One doing well in the UK and America and the Wii U doing... well, I guess okay in Japan. But as far as total sales, how will each do and why?

I predict about 30-50 million for the Wii U (about Gamecube level sales)

Maybe around 40-50 million for the Xbox One

And well, more the above for the PS4, although I'm not sure how much more.

What do you expect?
As far as numbers go, that's anyones guess. As far as the general picture goes though, I think the PS4 is going to come out on top this generation. Xbox dropped the ball when all the hype got started on both systems. Heard of an article just Microsoft just cut the price of the Xbox, but I doubt it'll help much. I actually know people that when from Xbox to PS4 when this started. As for the Wii U, I say Nintendo needs to cut it's losses this time. They can still recover, but they can't release another bombshell like the Wii U was. The controller change I think was the biggest sore point. I'd rather not looking at two different screens playing one game.
I'd say Ps4 would come out on top but Sony is in a really bad financial position right now. They are losing a lot of key talent at their studios and they are even downsizing quite a few.