How would fix the 'toxicity' in online games?


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You know all, all the verbal attacks and stuff in FPS game multiplayer modes or MMORPGS or what not?

Because there's always been a sense in which young kids and idiots have overrun these types of games, and the attempts to fix it never seem to have worked.

So how would you resolve the issue?
In call of duty I simply mute them, which works perfectly for me. Elder Scrolls Online needs a better system. There is no text-based chat in ESO and it only has voice with the only control being a slide bar for volume that does EVERYONE in the game's volume; no individual controls. If I need to mute a single person in ESO, Currently the only way to do it is to block them via the PS4 entirely. I usually just change my chat channel to not have to listen to them.
As an avid League player, I try not to play without at least one other friend. That way if toxicity happens we can laugh it off over the Skype call and call it good. That's typically how I work around toxicity in all games, honestly. People screaming bloody murder at you? Have a friend playing the game with you in a private call and abuse the toxic person in private. It's actually quite cathartic, and you aren't pumping the toxicity back at them as it never leaves the call.

As far as fixing it, I don't think it's possible. You can't filter voices on the fly, and censoring flagged written words just gives a bunch of stars that anyone with half a brain can figure out anyway. It doesn't fix the fact they're saying it in the first place. In order for it to stop there needs to be a mentality change, that 'oh, hey, I'm hurting real people, I shouldn't do that.' Do I think that's feasible/possible? Not really, but it's the only way it's going to stop.