How would the gaming industry today be different if Microsoft hadn't made a console?


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As in, either Sega was still the third console manufacturer or someone else took their place instead of Microsoft?

Would it have been better? Worse? What do you think?
I think SEGA would have went down anyway. They were Nintendowned. Seriously though we wouldn't have Halo and that would suck. Then again they could have made Halo on something else, but it's hard to tell.

Really though, there was nothing wrong with Microsoft making consoles. Until the Xbone.
It's hard to say.

From one side; Better, because I honestly think the Xbox, 360 and XbO don't bring much to the table, there's just no innovation, now uniqueness, and it's just plain old rehashed games with a slapped new number at it.

On the other hand, Worse, because Sony would've gotten away with it's poor decision making and would've never decided to improve this gen, Microsoft served as another good competitor to Sony in terms of sales, one which they needed badly to recognize they're in trouble.

Overall? Micro$oft should stick to Windows. (And not even that! Windows 8 is absolute crap!)
Much worse unless the replacement was good. ATM Xbox is one of my favorite consoles and I just like them much better than Sony (yes I have both).
Better at a standpoint where we won't hear those annoying xbox fanboys saying their "xbox is better" crap. Speaking of which, fanboys suck (especially pc ones) so i'm pretty sure a removal of fanboys of a certain console would be better.